Friday, April 24, 2009

The following post to the aliaCPD discussion list (22 April 2009) should be of interest to all members but, perhaps, particularly those who manage and have interactions with new graduates.

What makes a profession and who's responsible?

Professions occupy a unique place in our society. Governments have assigned the right and responsibility to control the professions to those who practice the professions. This is a privilege which most professionals take very seriously. ALIA provides the education standards for LIS education in Australia and we work closely with educators, employers and practitioners to ensure high-quality educational programs are available.

ALIA is currently reviewing its course recognition process and would like your input.

As per the notice in the last inCite magazine, we are currently seeking comments on key issues relating to ALIA Course Recognition. Should the ALIA Core Skills and Knowledge be updated and reflected in Course Recognition processes? Should the process be called Accreditation rather than Recognition?

You can make your comments and contributions on the consultation wiki (username and password required), or directly to (remove the '.nospam' from the address) by 30th April 2009.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

First meeting of the ALIA Special Libraries Advisory Committee

From Cathy Brady:

The first meeting (teleconference) of the ALIA Special Libraries Advisory Committee is scheduled for 24 April. The Special Libraries Committee is a new Advisory Committee whose primary role is to provide advice in the form of identification of issues, opportunities, activities and in general assist in developing a strategic direction for special libraries with the ALIA Board. Items proposed for discussion at the first meeting include the draft terms of reference for the Committee, the Electronic Resources Australia (ERA) meeting and professional development for special librarians. Emma Datson (Therapeutic Goods Administration) and I (Cathy Brady, HealthInsite, Department of Health and Ageing) are both members on the committee from the health libraries sector. We hope to provide you with outcomes from the meeting next month. If you have any queries regarding the Committee, please feel free to contact me at (remove '.nospam' from the address).