Wednesday, October 31, 2007

ACT NOW! Complete the survey on Australian health librarians and Web 2.0

Endorsed and supported by the HLA Executive, we encourage all Australian Health Libraries to complete this survey.

The survey on Australian health librarians and Web 2.0 is now open and can be accessed here.

A survey was undertaken recently in the US by the MLA Social Networking Software Task Force investigating use of collaborative/social networking tools and services. Results from the original survey of MLA members are reported at the Task Force on Social Networking Software blog.

Libraries Using Evidence and NSW Health, with the support of Health Libraries Australia, are extending this survey to the Australian context. Staff in health libraries across Australia (hospital, academic, special etc) are invited to participate. The Australian data will be used to generate a snapshot of the use of and attitudes towards collaborative/social networking tools and services. Results will provide librarians with evidence to assist in influencing policy and practice at their workplace. Results will be reported in the first instance on the Health LIS 2.0 and Libraries Using Evidence blogs.

We ask that you take a few minutes to complete this brief survey. If you are unsure about something, please email us with your question. The survey will close on 25 November 2007.

Please note: this survey is completely confidential. No identifying information will be released with results.

Your participation is appreciated. Remember - the survey can be accessed here.

Lisa Cotter, Suzanne Lewis and Gillian Wood

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