Wednesday, March 04, 2009

ALIA 2009 elections - electronic voting now available

This morning I received an email with instructions on how to vote electronically in the ALIA Board of Directors election. I haven't cast my vote as yet but this is a great step forward for those of us with easy access to the more paper forms, no more envelopes in envelopes!

I confess I had not taken any notice of the candidates until I had a quick look this morning. Five individuals are running for the 2 available directors' positions: Stuart Ferguson, Gillian Hallam, Richard Siegersma, Kate Sinclair and Lothar von Retzlaff. You can read more about them on the ALIA 2009 election website.

What is most surprising is that there was only one nomination for Vice-President, Graham Black, Director, Division of Library Services, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton. As such, and in accordance with ALIA by-laws, Graham is automatically elected to the position. As incoming Vice-President (2009-2010), Graham is also President-elect (2010-2011). Congratulations to Graham.

I have one gripe, though - and it may be nothing more than an administrative oversight or maybe I'm just not looking in the right spot on the ALIA website - but where the candidates for the Board positions have provided additional information that further describes their skills and experience and the issues they consider need addressing by the Association, I don't see any of this information available, beyond a short Statement of Professional Concerns, for the incoming Vice-President. The membership needs to know a little more about what to expect from the future President of ALIA. So if I have missed something, can someone let me know?!

Regardless, please take the time to vote and if you are a member and haven't received voting instructions, contact ALIA National Office on the member's line 1800 020 071 or (remove the '.nospam' from address).

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